The EasyCargo online container capacity calculator placed 2nd in the UPC Ignite Your Business competition 2015 and we’d like to say thank you for your support. That's why during the next two weeks, you can purchase EasyCargo licenses discounted by 22 %.

This award means a lot to us. Why? UPC Ignite is dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs with real vision and business plans and potential to succeed in international markets. Winning means that we are doing something meaningful and beneficial to others.


Buying or prolonging an EasyCargo license is simple. You have two options on how to do it: either through the webshop or directly in the EasyCargo application.

This way of ordering is faster and better for those customers who are not able to place an order directly in the EasyCargo application. Webshop offers all three types of licenses: 24-hour Tickets, one-month licenses, and one-year licenses. Tickets can only be purchased as a pack of 10. In case you need a different quantity, you can place an order either the old way in the EasyCargo application (see below), or contact us. Keep in mind that the minimum order of 24-hour tickets is always 10.


Free Cubebot robots giveaway Lukáš Brož | 18 Aug 2015

EasyCargo is on Facebook now. If you will give our EasyCargo App Facebook Page a “like”, you could be the lucky winner of a Cubebot.

On September 1st, 2015, we will randomly select 3 of our Facebook page fans. We will list their names in the comment and contact them via Messenger. They will receive one of these 3 cute little Cubebots for free.
